Security features

Safely and securely share knowledge with customers

Build trust and deliver the best possible customer knowledge sharing experience by maintaining high privacy or security standards.

Screenshot of Zapnito's 2FA security feature on an example customer knowledge sharing platform

Confidently integrate knowledge sharing across your customer lifecycle.

Zapnito prioritizes the protection of your company and customers’ data with the highest levels of security, privacy and compliance.

Authentication & Access
Guarantee only the right people have access to your knowledge sharing platform.

Automatically detect abuse and spam while providing frictionless authentication for trusted users.

SSO (Single sign-on)
Spam and profile moderation
Password strength
2 Factor Authentication
Social sign-in
Screenshot of Zapnito's password sign in feature on an example customer knowledge sharing platform
Compliance and protection
Ensure accuracy, consistency, and safety of data.

Zapnito follows leading encryption safeguards, highest quality assurance processes and maintain cloud infrastructure best practices to protect both our customers and their customers too.

ISO 27001
GDPR compliance
Data encryption
Custom security header
Custom SSL
US Data residency
Penetration testing
Security & Audit Logs
Screenshot of Zapnito's security compliance certifications

Zapnito gives great customer service and support. The platform is adaptable, easy to use and has a wide range of admin tools that we can access and manage.

Claire Beard, Head of Content & Strategy

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